Please pray this week for the Men’s Christian Fellowship at St John’s, especially for their leadership in taking anti-COVID precautions and their continuing pastoral care for people and for each other.
Prayers for our link in Zambia

Please pray this week for the Men’s Christian Fellowship at St John’s, especially for their leadership in taking anti-COVID precautions and their continuing pastoral care for people and for each other.
Please pray for school pupils in Zambia as school term begins this week, and please pray for the young people of St John’s congregation, especially the Girls’ Brigade, the Boys’ Brigade and the Sunday School. At St John’s, pray also for their worship to welcome the new year. Like us, they are holding a service […]
Give thanks that the number of COVID-19 deaths in Lusaka is not rising so fast the number of cases is falling attendance at worship is getting back to normal at St John’s Mtendere United Church of Zambia. Please pray especially for the schools struggling to follow COVID prevention measures Rev Robert Gama, and the church […]
Please pray at St John’s United Church of Zambia in Mtendere (Lusaka) for the young people starting their new school term, and for the staff and teachers; for church choirs and fellowships getting back to their activities, and give thanks for their devotion and contribution to the mission of the church; and for all the […]
Please pray for: the ministry of the Women’s Christian Fellowship and the Men’s Christian Fellowship at St John’s Mtendere congregation of the United Church of Zambia resuming their fellowship and work, observing the anti coronavirus protocols. young people sitting the GCE exams during September. the other pupils and teachers who have returned to school for […]
We are asked to give thanks for answers to prayer for improved electricity supply in Zambia. for a pause in the increase of COVID-19 deaths in Zambia. for the resumption of worship together, often outside in this dry season. Please continue to pray for the management of church finances, much reduced by the lockdown.
Prayers for Zambia by Nigel Appleton, Wessex Synod World Church Group Prepared for use in worship by congregations throughout the Synod Gracious God, We give thanks for the resilience and faith of our sisters and brothers in the United Church of Zambia, and particularly for those to whom we are bound in fellowship through our […]
In our prayers for St John’s, Mtendere this week, we are asked especially to pray for: Church finances and the Ministers throughout the United Church of Zambia who have not been paid because there have been no live church services. They have gone without pay for the month of June. Medical staff under pressure because […]
In our prayers for St John’s this week, we are asked especially to pray for: Children in examination classes going back to school next week, and for the school staff preparing premises and planning; Market traders and street vendors in Mtendere and elsewhere, trying to follow the anti-coronavirus measures and make a living. Rev Godfrey […]
Please continue praying for our Global Partners in the Lusaka Presbytery of the United Church of Zambia. This week we are asked especially to pray for: School pupils and staff during the closure of schools which are to re-open on 1st June and for the classes due to take public exams; Health workers doing Covid-19 […]