The URC Safeguarding Symposium addressed the formulation of a five year strategic plan for safeguarding. Much emphasis was placed on the fact that safeguarding of our children, young people and vulnerable adults is a concern for everyone in Churches, not just those tasked with leading it. Videos and information from the launch of this plan […]
Creating a home worship space & stained-glass window
Gathering around a computer, smart phone, or television can feel less than holy. These spaces are usually for work time or relaxing time. In order to make this an intentionally sacred space, here are a few ideas: If possible, use a dedicated space and surface, such as a table or shelf. In the middle of […]
Salisbury United Reformed Church takes safeguarding very seriously. Everyone who works with children, young people and vulnerable adults, the Elders, Pastoral Visitors and some others have all completed the URC Safeguarding Training and have been DBS checked. The Church has two Safeguarding Officers and is in contact with the safeguarding team at Wessex Synod. Our […]
Junior Church
Junior Church is special time for children at Salisbury United Reformed Church. The time is filled with interesting stories, fun (and sometimes messy) activities, singing and art. Junior Church meets during the worship hour on Sunday mornings, 10:30-11:30 am. We are certified as a ‘Child Friendly Church’. All teachers and aides have DBS clearance. Families […]