Daily Prayers for our World

We pray for the almost 3000 prisoners who remain in captivity in England and Wales under the abolished indefinite sentencing scheme. God, we pray for transformation in the prison system, and for your protection on those who have been damaged by their experiences.

We give thanks for the discovery that wax worms are able to break down polyethylene, one of the most produced and least biodegradable plastics. God, we pray that this discovery would reduce plastic pollution around the world, and that scientists will continue to harness the power of your creation to mitigate pollution.

We give thanks for greater inclusion and visibility of those with disabilities in television. God, we thank you for the example of recent dramas such as Ralph & Katie and The A Word, and pray that they would continue to challenge preconceptions and assumptions about people with disabilities.

We pray for all those affected by the shooting in a Thai childcare centre. God, we pray particularly for those who lost family or loved ones, and for greater controls on gun ownership and use in Thailand in the wake of this terrible attack.

We pray for low butterfly sightings in the UK in the Big Butterfly Count, the lowest in the 13 years since the project began. God, we pray that increased awareness of the importance of butterflies would lead to the creation of more habitats for them to thrive in.

Joan Smith

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