What is a service like?
In our Sunday morning service you will find something for everyone, both new visitors and regular members.
The Good News proclaimed during our worship services takes several forms. The message might be delivered through drama, music, a selection of provocative readings, or a single voice.
We welcome a variety of preachers and worship leaders throughout the year.
There’s no pressure to take part. We’re very happy for you to come along and see what worshiping here is like. If anything seems unfamiliar, feel free to ask one of our welcome team, or someone sitting nearby.
How long are your services?
Our Sunday services usually last around an hour and you are invited to stay for coffee and a chat afterwards. On Communion Sundays and for special services we often go a bit longer.
What is the music like?
We have a fine church organ and a piano, both of which we use regularly. We use a selection of modern and traditional songs.
In November 2017, our primary musician, Peter Eve, celebrated 40 years of Music Ministry at Salisbury United Reformed Church. We are blessed to have other musicians in our church family who play regularly.
Will I know what to do?
Most people find their first visit to church more informal than they expected. We’re a friendly group of people, and our services are set up so you can relax and get to know us as a church. All the words you’ll need will be printed in the service sheet, projectaed onto the screen, or provided by the worship leader, and we’re quite happy for you not to join in if you don’t feel it’s appropriate.
What about Communion?
Sharing bread and juice is an important part of our church community. It reminds us what Jesus did for us. We currently have Communion once a month, usually on the first Sunday. The bread and juice are served to you in your seat.
The bread is gluten-free. The juice is alcohol-free.
Everyone is invited to the Lord’s table – no-one is excluded. Children are welcome fully, if it is their family’s wish.
If you would like = a prayer or blessing, for yourself or your child, please approach a minister during the distribution of the bread and juice.
What should I wear?
Please dress as you feel comfortable. Our congregation attends dressed in anything from casual to dressed-up. Take your pick!
What happens to my children during the service?
Children are welcomed at services, and there are toys and activities available for their use during the service, either in church or in the creche which is downstairs off the church hall. There are attendants in the creche during services.
All our leaders have been DBS-checked. We have a full safeguarding policy in place, and review this regularly.
Do I have to give money to the collection?
Absolutely not. Please feel free to just pass the basket on if you wish.
Many church members and regular attenders support the work of the church through cash donations, standing orders, or using envelopes that allow us to receive Gift Aid on donations. So others will pass the basket without putting anything in.
What about prayer?
Prayer is at the heart of our church life, and we believe that it can really make a difference in people’s lives. It’s one of the ways we can discover that God loves and cares about everyone and is with us always.
What next?
Even if it’s your first visit to church, we hope you have a great experience, and that you’ll encounter the God who is so important to all of us. We believe God offers a promise and a hope to everyone, and our aim is to make it as easy as possible for others to discover this for the first time. Sunday services are a great place to do this, but if you want to do something different, just have a chat with one of the service leaders or elders.
We have some great opportunities. There is a range of social activities, coffee mornings, and one of our Bible study groups could be a great next step.
Please remember, if you have any other questions, feel free to get in touch with us, or just ask someone when you arrive. There’s always a welcome team on the door if you’re not sure who to ask.
Do come and visit. We’ll be pleased to welcome you.
(New visitor information inspired by, and used with permission from, Wallasey Village United Reformed Church website)