Each week prayers are exchanged between St John’s Mtendere, United Church of Zambia, and the three churches in Salisbury that are part of the Global Link: Salisbury United Reformed Church, Salisbury Methodist Church & Bemerton Methodist Church.
Here are the prayers sent to St John’s recently. These are shared with nearly 2000 worshippers each week, maybe more online!
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and to your family and to the congregation of St John’s.
Thank you for your prayers which sustain and inspire us.
In your prayers this week:
- Give thanks for the vibrant on line congregation of Salisbury United Reformed Church, for the regular members from parts of UK, from Cameroon and from Russia.
- Pray for the music ministry team, especially the young member, Alice, who has recorded a song to share in worship.
- Pray for the children active in the Zoom worship and for Fiona, who prepares a weekly lesson and activity sheet for them.
- Pray for our ministers who are unwell, for Tod Gobledale, for David Hookins and for Michael Franklin.