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Donate now to our church

‘Remember this…Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.’ — 2 Corinthians 9:7-8

Through our gifts, we demonstrate our gratitude to God, our love for our church and our commitment to help shine Christ’s Light throughout the world.  All of our gifts count and are important.

Options for payment:

Stewardship Contribution Page: Make a direct donation using your debit or credit card.  Click here or use the link in the left-hand margin of every post on our website.  You may need to establish a Stewardship account.  One benefit of giving through Stewardship is that any Gift Aid is figured immediately.

PayPal:  Make a direct donation using your debit or credit card.  Please use the link in the left-hand margin of every post on our website.

On-line Banking:  for a single donation or create a Standing Order for regular payments

Bank details for Salisbury URC:   Acct Name: Salisbury United Reformed Church;  Sort Code : 40-52-40; Acct No: 00016092

When you make a payment or deposit, please specify your name or Offering Envelope Number for the Treasurer’s future reference. Thank you.

The Need:

Having been blessed by several legacies recently, we are blessed with a cushion.  But everyone’s financial commitment at this time will help us through.

Benevolence Fund:

We realise some of our members have lost their employment, and need our prayers, and will perhaps need more than that in the days ahead. If that is you or someone you know, please reach out to our Ministers. Our congregations have set aside funds specifically for this purpose. All needs and assistance will be confidential between you and the ministers, Ana & Tod.

‘Giving sets us free, while hoarding entraps us.’

— an interpretation of James 5


Salisbury United Reformed Church