sowing seeds - 3 (2019_12_23 21_59_26 UTC)

Spreading Love & Hope...

'Eternal One, you are my lamp. You light up my darkness.'
-- 2 Samuel 22:29
Welcome to today's home devotion -- connecting us to one another and our God during these unknown and unfolding times. If you have something to share -- news, a prayer, a song, a reflection -- please send them to [email protected]. Blessings & peace, Ana & Tod

Today's Reflection

Pandemic by Lynn Ungar
What if you thought of it
as the Jews consider the Sabbath—
the most sacred of times?
Cease from travel.
Cease from buying and selling.
Give up, just for now,
on trying to make the world
different than it is.
Sing. Pray. Touch only those
to whom you commit your life.
Center down.

And when your body has become still, reach out with your heart.
Know that we are connected
in ways that are terrifying and beautiful.
(You could hardly deny it now.)
Know that our lives
are in one another’s hands.
(Surely, that has come clear.)
Do not reach out your hands.
Reach out your heart.
Reach out your words.
Reach out all the tendrils
of compassion that move, invisibly,
where we cannot touch.

Promise this world your love–
for better or for worse,
in sickness and in health,
so long as we all shall live.

Lynn Ungar 3/11/20
Salisbury concert
Music - a new link each day
Instrumental worship songs for peaceful reflection and calm. (Just click on the blue button.) Send in your favourite music links to share.
Bible reflection
'Eternal One, you are my lamp. You light up my darkness.'-- 2 Samuel 22:29
Sit in a comfortable position with your Bible nearby. You might light a candle.
Open to 2 Samuel 22:26-29 and read the passage slowly.
Consider the meanings of the words and the feelings they arouse in you. What is God saying to you through this psalm? Where is there darkness in your life? How is your faith and our God shining into that darkness?
You might end with a prayer thanking God for walking with you through times of shadow and darkness.

Praying together at 12:00 noon

Today, and each day as we go forward, we are invited to join Christians around the world at 12:00 noon for a time of prayer.
Open Table logo
joyful people

Staying connected

Remember to reach out to someone today by phone or internet. Be God's instrument bringing community and friendship to another.
The United Reformed Church (URC) has compiled a list of its churches which are live streaming acts of worship, offering sermons as podcasts or audio files, or offering recordings of services for people who are unable to access church due to the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.
Click here to view the list which includes links so you can join others in worship.

Click here to sign up to sign up to receive this daily devotion newsletter. You will need to subscribe to the Salisbury URC church website.

Or email [email protected] and ask to be added to the email distribution list.

Contact us by email and visit (and join) Salisbury URC on Facebook and our website.
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