
Our Church Family...

This weekly email includes links to new posts on our church website. Be sure to click 'Read the post' to benefit from the complete article. If you have news or prayer requests to share, forward to Joan, Anne or Fiona. Thanks.

Prayers for our World

As COP27 comes to a close, we Pray for ongoing commitment to climate justice at all levels. God, we pray that all who have played a part in COP27 will carry the urgent calling to take action for climate justice into their communities, and use their power for change. We give thanks for the release of 6000 people from prison …
Prayers for our World

Prayers for Zambia

Prayers for Zambia
As we observe Mission Sunday on 27th November, our theme is “Our role in the church’s mission”. Pray that we equip and support church members to witness and serve in our neighbourhood. Pray especially for our community development and social justice group at St John’s, for Mukupa Chanda the convenor, and their work in these hard times.
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