
Our Church Family...

This weekly email includes links to new posts on our church website. Be sure to click 'Read the post' to benefit from the complete article. If you have news or prayer requests to share, forward to Joan, Anne or Fiona. Thanks.

Daily Prayers for our World

We pray for an approach to housebuilding that meets both imperatives of the housing crisis and climate change. The government’s current housing strategy could consume all of England’s carbon budget, unless action is taken to reduce the ecological impacts of housing. God, help us to build houses for all that respect our common home of the Earth.       …
Daily Prayers for our World

Prayers for Zambia

Prayers for Zambia
Please pray for work to prevent a measles epidemic; some children in Lusaka area have recently died from measles. At St John’s, please pray for our Boys’ Brigade Section, that officers and boys will be “sure and stedfast” in following Jesus. Give thanks for the BB band’s contribution to our worship.
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