
Our Church Family...

This weekly email includes links to new posts on our church website. Be sure to click 'Read the post' to benefit from the complete article. If you have news or prayer requests to share, forward to Joan, Anne or Fiona. Thanks.

Daily Prayers for our World

We pray that the crisis in Ethiopia’s Tigray region would receive appropriate international attention. It has been described as the “worst humanitarian crisis in the world”, yet has not been extensively covered by international media. God, we grieve the suffering experienced by millions in Tigray. We pray that their stories and voices would be heard, and that the situation would …
Daily Prayers for our World

Prayers for Zambia

Prayers for Zambia
Pray for Rev Dyson Goma, a minister in our Chelston Consistory, as he begins work as the new Synod Communication Secretary. At St John’s, pray for our Men’s Christian Fellowship group, giving thanks for their commitment and enthusiasm and praying for their outreach and pastoral ministry.
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