
Our Church Family...

This weekly email includes links to new posts on our church website. Be sure to click 'Read the post' to benefit from the complete article. If you have news or prayer requests to share, forward to Joan, Anne or Fiona. Thanks.

Daily Prayers for our World

We pray for those forced into or at risk of homelessness from the cost of living crisis. Data shows the number of households at threat of homelessness in private tenancies has increased nearly threefold in the last two years. God, we pray for all who are struggling to keep up with rent and bill payments. We ask for greater support …
Daily Prayers for our World

Prayers for Zambia

Prayers for Zambia
Please pray for our young people preparing for the beginning of the final term of the school year; pray especially for pupils preparing for their final exams in December. At St John’s, please pray for the Church Leadership group at their weekly meeting, holding the life of our big congregation together.
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