
Our Church Family...

This weekly email includes links to new posts on our church website. Be sure to click 'Read the post' to benefit from the complete article. If you have news or prayer requests to share, forward to Joan, Anne or Fiona. Thanks.

Daily Prayer for our world

We pray for the NHS, which is facing a summer crisis. Covid, ambulance services, staff shortages, the social care crisis and overcrowded A&E departments are just some of the issues stretching the health service to its limits. God, we pray that these issues would be resolved so that the NHS can continue to treat patients.           …
Daily Prayer for our world

Prayers for Zambia

Prayers for Zambia
Please pray for the Women’s Christian Fellowship at St John’s, giving thanks for their ministry to bereaved families and asking continued blessings on their worship and Bible Study together. Please pray for our young people during the winter school holidays this month.
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