
Our Church Family...

Staying connected during this time of separation...
This weekly email (reaching you on Friday morning) includes links to all new posts on the church website. Be sure to click 'Read the post' to benefit from the complete article.
If you have news for us to share, forward it to Ana. Thanks.

Traidcraft - thank you

I would like to say a heartfelt ‘Thank you’ to everyone who has helped to keep the church Traidcraft stall going throughout the pandemic this year, 2020. Support for Traidcraft across the whole country has meant that the company has been able to continue trading and, in so doing, has helped the small Co-operatives who supply them to make ends …
Traidcraft - thank you

Daily Prayer for our world

Daily Prayer for our world
We pray for migrants. Friday 18th was UN International Migrants Day, which celebrates social cohesion and the new communities enriched by the contribution of migrants. We pray comfort for those leaving their homes for a better life and thank you for the communities enhanced by diversity. We give thanks and appreciation for teachers. Often caught between local and national government …
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