
Our Church Family...

Staying connected...
This weekly email (reaching you on Friday morning) includes links to all new posts on the church website. Be sure to click 'Read the post' to benefit from the complete article.
If you have news for us to share, forward it to Ana, Joan, Anne or Fiona. Thanks.

Sharing sad news

It is with sadness that we share news of the death on the 27th July of Reverend Alan Thomasson. He had been living in Somerset in his retirement. Alan served at Salisbury & Broadchalke United Reformed Churches from 1976 to 1995, and was greatly loved by the congregation.
Sharing sad news

Daily Prayers for our World

Daily Prayers for our World
We pray for women in Nepal. Health workers in the country fear a huge rise in maternal deaths as 90% of women have missed check-ups and many opt for home births amid fears of Covid-19. God, we pray for safety and security for women facing increased levels of maternal mortality. We pray for climate justice. With just 100 days to …
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