
Our Church Family...

Staying connected...
This weekly email (reaching you on Friday morning) includes links to all new posts on the church website. Be sure to click 'Read the post' to benefit from the complete article.
If you have news for us to share, forward it to Ana, Joan, Anne or Fiona. Thanks.

Listening Place re-opens at SMC

Are you lonely, worried, stressed, confused? Do you need to talk? The Listening Place at Salisbury Methodist Church can really help – we provide a friendly and safe place where you can share whatever is on your mind with a trained listener. They will not interrupt, advise or judge you, but will support you in finding your own way forward. …
Listening Place re-opens at SMC

Daily Prayers for our World

Daily Prayers for our World
We pray for pregnant women seeking mental health care. It was revealed last week that thousands of pregnant women in England were denied vital mental health help during the pandemic. God, we pray for comfort and peace for those struggling with their mental health in the pandemic, and for increased support for perinatal mental health needs. We pray for pupils …

Moving toward radical welcome

We celebrate that on Wednesday 30 June the Methodist Conference voted in favour of the marriage of same-sex couples on Methodist premises and by Methodist ministers.  As in the URC, local Church Councils will still need to vote to register their premises for same-sex marriages.  We have been asked to hold Salisbury Methodist Church in prayer as they approach that …
Moving toward radical welcome

Parents, Carers and Teenagers

Parents and carers of teenagers can be tempted to think that they have no influence in their teens' lives anymore.  Nothing could be further from the truth! We know that you want to encourage and equip them in their crucial role as they help their teens find where God is in the midst of it all, understand who God is, develop an authentic prayer life …
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