Pentecost flame, dove display

Pentecost Sunday Service

The Church's Birthday

31 May 2020

10:30 on Zoom (Use this NEW Zoom link)
(copy and insert in your browser for best results or enter the meeting ID into your Zoom account settings.)
You may be asked to update your Zoom account, so coming on 5-10 minutes early may be a good idea. Also, you'll join 'muted'.
United for worship
Andover, Broad Chalke & Salisbury United Reformed Churches
All are welcome!
At-home preparation:
You are invited to decorate your worship space to celebrate the Church’s birthday – balloons, banners, streamers! Perhaps you’d like to have a candle in a piece of cake or cupcake. (You may eat it during the service!)

Thought to ponder
Howard Thurman, a 20th century theologian and philosopher wrote, "Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

Order of Service

Fellowship You may join the gathering any time after 9:30.
Please remember to keep your microphone muted unless you are speaking.

Gathering & Church Notices – we will have a time for notices and updates until 10:40 . This will, hopefully, help us avoid the high-usage time for Zoom and the poor sound quality we’ve experienced in the early portion of the services. If you have something to share, please let Ana, Godlove or Elaine know so you’re sure to be included.

Scripture & Gathering Psalm 104:33-34, 35b
I will sing to the Eternal One as long as I live;
I will sing praise to my God while I have being.
May my meditation be pleasing to God in whom I rejoice.
Bless the Creator, O my soul! Praise God!

Celebrating Birthdays

Pentecost Prayer adapted, by David Allen, Australia
The Lord’s Prayer

Greetings in different languages
Polish – Hanc family
Italian – Gio Portnall
Swahili – Elaine Harrison
Ndebele – Gobledales
French and Lámnsò (one of the 250 languages in Cameroon) – Ashley & Ryan Fai
British Sign Language -

Scripture Acts 2:1-21 Chris and Ted Haines
Some interesting information: Pentecost is a Greek word. We can recognize “Penta” which means “five,” which we hear in other words: pentagram, pentagon, Pentateuch. Pentecost means: FIFTY or FIFTIETH. Pentecost is the Greek name of a Feast Day, for the people of ancient Israel, celebrating the day when Moses brought the tablets, the law, down from Mount Sinai. They set the festival at 7 weeks, or 50 days, after Passover. The Hebrew name of the feast, Shavuot, means 7 weeks, and the Greek, Pentecost, means "Fiftieth or fiftieth day.” Our Christian Day of Pentecost, first took place on the Jewish Pentecost feast day. We have kept the common Greek name which would have been familiar to the people of the time.

Children’s Message ‘Giving Thanks: a good morning message’
by Chief Jake Swamp of the Iroquois People

Pentecost Reading
Faith in action What giving means to me Tamsin Vallance
Offering Invitation & Dedication Joan Smith
Prayers for our world Barbara Anderson
Scripture John 20:19-23 Alison Mills
Pentecost Hymn Reading RS 302 O Breath of Life Anne Eve
Sending Forth & the Grace
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with each of us now and forever. Amen.

You may stay on this gathering for fellowship or join the Andover Coffee Hour link (get from Ron). Hopefully, next week we'll try breakout groups for conversation and fellowship.

Please continue your gifts to support our churches, gifts that are so important at this time when our churches are receiving no payments from groups that usually use our buildings.

Single gift & Standing Order & PayPal options are available for your gifts at
PayPal direct link:
Please say if it is for Salisbury, Andover or Broad Chalke.

Bank details for Andover URC:
Sort Code 40-08-28
Account No. 51652362
Account Name: Andover United Reformed Church

Bank details for Salisbury URC:
Salisbury United Reformed Church Current Account
Sort Code : 40-52-40
Account No: 00016092
Zoom screen
Reminders to keep our Zoom service running smoothly:
  • Please keep your microphone muted unless you are speaking.
  • Do NOT click on the green button that says 'share screen' (or we will see everything open on your computer!)
  • When we sing and pray together, we will hear one voice, and the others will be muted.
  • If the technology is compromised for any reason or goes totally wonky, we will end the on-line service immediately. If that should happen, we’ll try to restart as soon as possible, sending out an email to notify you.
  • At this time, we are not requiring a password, to ease the access for those still learning the 'Zoom ropes'.
Contact us by email and visit (and join) Salisbury United Reformed Church on Facebook and our website.
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