Creating a home worship space & stained-glass window

Gathering around a computer, smart phone, or television can feel less than holy.

These spaces are usually for work time or relaxing time.

In order to make this an intentionally sacred space, here are a few ideas:

  • If possible, use a dedicated space and surface, such as a table or shelf.
  • In the middle of your table, place a candle, a bible, and any other small item that helps to center you. You could include a small bowl of water to remind you of the waters of your baptism, or sprigs of greenery (or a living plant or boquet of flowers) to connect you with creation.
  • During this time when we are not able to worship in our church sanctuaries, we encourage you to set this special space up for your zoom or other worship time, or keep this home sanctuary space set up to remind you of God’s constant presence in our lives.

Creating Stained Glass Windows in your home

Here’s a fun idea.  Create your own ‘stained glass window’ using electrical tape  (blue looks good) and washable paint to create the effect.  Thin the paint so it’s transparent.  Make the design BIG so the neighbours will enjoy it at night as your light filters through.

Salisbury United Reformed Church